Applying for Funding:
Contact the NRRC office to determine the timeframe for the next Commission meeting at which funding applications will be accepted. The Commission will send applicants a packet including application and a copy of Commission goals for the year. Completed applications will be due to the Commission offices three weeks prior to the Commission meeting at which your proposal will be reviewed.
Answer the application completely, attaching back-up and other justification documents as requested. If one of the questions is not relevant to your project, answer it as such and indicate why.
Complete the answers to the application questions on 8.5X11″ standard paper, typewritten. Elaborate presentations and packaging are not expected or necessary.
Provide 10 copies of the completed application with back-up attachments to the Commission office by the deadline referenced above in point 1.
The Commission does not allow “indirect cost recovery” when applying for funding. Therefore only apply for those direct costs in the proposal you are submitting.
Appearing before the Commission to Discuss Your Proposal:
Once it is determined that your application can be reviewed by the Commission, you will be notified by the NRRC office of the date, time and location of the Commission meeting at which your proposal will be discussed. You will be notified of the amount of time scheduled on the agenda for your application. Your attendance is not mandatory but is highly recommended.
At the Commission meeting, come prepared to discuss your application and answer questions. A decision may or may not be made at the meeting your application is discussed. If circumstances dictate, you may be asked to revise your proposal or provide more information at a future meeting.
If you are awarded funding for your application proposal, you will be asked to have an authorized agent of your company sign a contract indicating deliverables, timeline and payment schedule. You will be asked to provide an invoice for each phase of funding required for your project as noted in your application, or as negotiated with the Commission. You will need to attach copies of invoices for your hard costs from your sub-contractors and vendors, such as printing or media placement. If you are provided advance funding, you may be required to provide a guarantee, bond or other method of ensuring return of funds in the case you do not perform the entire project for which you have already received funds.
Requirements for Reporting Progress on your Project:
You will be required to provide written updates to the Commission office at least once during the progress of your project, well before completion. The updates must include:
a. progress against the timeline;
b. results against your stated objectives;
c. actual expenditures against stated budget;
d. any problems, issues or deviations from what you have indicated you would do in your application.
Depending on the scope, expense and timeframe for completion of your project, you may be requested to provide this update in person at a Commission meeting during the course of your project.
At the end of your project you will be asked to provide a final report (in writing at minimum, and potentially in person at a Commission meeting) detailing:
a. how the actual timeline compared to that in your application;
b. your actual results against your stated objectives and how you have measured them and/or intend to continue to measure them;
c. actual expenditures against stated budget;
d. any problems, issues or deviations from what you have indicated you would do in your application; e. proof of your acknowledgement of the NRRC as indicated below.
Acknowledging the NRRC on Funded Projects:
If the NRRC funds a project, you will be required at minimum to include acknowledgement/explanatory language about the NRRC, to be provided by the NRRC, as well as include their official logo and tag line, as well as other information as required by the NRRC (may include a web site address or phone number, for example).
You are encouraged to propose and – if approved – use other means of acknowledging funding from the NRRC and further the awareness of NRRC’s efforts and goals.